Lightroom cc check mark healing brush
Lightroom cc check mark healing brush

lightroom cc check mark healing brush

When assessing an image for sensor marks, there’s a useful feature within the Spot Removal tool called ‘Visualise Spots’. Use Visualise Spots to reveal sensor marks 6. Use the sliders to claw back a small amount of clipping. You can check for clipped pixels by holding Alt while dragging either the Whites or Blacks sliders. When pixels are ‘clipped’ to black & white it means they are entirely lacking in detail, which is usually to be avoided. It works best on small marks against detailless surroundings, like a spot in a sky. Set it to Heal, then paint over distracting details and sensor marks to remove them.

lightroom cc check mark healing brush

While Lightroom can’t match Photoshop CC in the retouching department, it does offer one excellent tool – the Spot Removal tool. Use the Exposure slider to pull detail out of the shadows, switch to the Adjustment Brush or Graduated Filter and selectively darken the highlights for a balanced frame. Here’s where local adjustments can fix things. Sometimes an image is neither here nor there – the shadows are too dark, the highlights blown out. Correcting underexposure will inevitably emphasise noise, so head to the Details panel and use the Noise Luminance slider to combat this. We can pull out the detail using a combination of the Exposure, Shadows and Blacks sliders in the Basic panel. This is where shooting in raw really helps, as raws retain greater detail in the shadows. Reveal lost detail in the shadows to brighten a scene 2.

Lightroom cc check mark healing brush