If you do not want your character to use Hero Points (i.e. Please note that the feats and magic items and spells are available to use.
#Phoenix point character creation Pc#
So here is the clarification:Ī PC gets a theme – it can be one of the ones listed on the Themes page or it can be one of your creation (assuming it ties into your backstory). NOTE – CHANGE – Due to my wording, I’ve created a bit of confusion with traits and themes.

Try to choose traits that play into the chosen theme of your character. 3rd party character traits are subject to pre-approval so please check with me before using.

Traits are listed in the Advanced Player’s Guide, the Adventure Path Players Guides, Paizo’s reference website, and the d20PFSRD website. Choose two traits per the standard character trait rules.See the themes page for trait suggestions. You can use those suggestions or pick your own. In addition, I have picked out some traits that seem to be a good fit for the themes.
#Phoenix point character creation pdf#
I can provide a pdf of character themes from the Neverwinter Campaign Guide if needed. The theme is really only for flavor/back story (since the benefits are 4E specific).

Good, Neutral, Evil, etc – doesn’t matter to me (but it might to other members of your party – if you’re unsure of your choice, ask me and I’ll let you know if you’re heading for conflict but I won’t reveal other player characters’ alignments to you).Starting money – Use the maximum listed per class.But if you have an idea of what you’re planning for your character’s eventual class-prestige class mix, include it in your write up, so if it is a class/prestige class I’d rather not have in the mix, you’ll have ample time to modify your choices (note that I don’t see any class/prestige class not being approved at this time). This will also apply to prestige classes later on as well. 3rd party character classes are subject to pre-approval so please check with me before using. Any character class is allowed from the Core Rules Book, the Advanced Player’s Guide, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic, Paizo’s reference website, and the d20PFSRD website.I’m not ruling anything out completely but some races will definitely need a good back story to be approved. Ratfolk), even spark immediate, outright hostility from NPCs and possibly other PCs (e.g. Some character races may not be easily accepted by others (e.g. Keep in mind the setting (of the FR) and try to avoid something way out there (unless you have a good back story for it). 3rd party races are subject to pre-approval as are the uncommon races listed in the Advanced Race Guide so please check with me before using. Any race is allowed from the Core Rules Book, the Advanced Player’s Guide, the Advanced Race Guide, Paizo’s reference website, and the d20PFSRD website.25 ability points – (use the point method for character creation listed on page 16 of the Core Rulebook).